Expanded and Improved Open Space and Recreation Amenities
Newton has many beautiful parks, playgrounds, and wooded areas (many of which are in need of improved maintenance – please see Part A3 of this section for discussion). However, new development can bring new growth and increased activity, creating more demand for parks.
Summary of Proposed Solution
New development and redevelopment in Newton will include provisions for new parks, recreation areas, and other open spaces that can be enjoyed by the entire community. In addition, parcels identified in the Open Space Plan will be targeted for acquisition to expand existing parks and to create new usable open space around Newton.
Discussion and Implementation Plan
Zoning rules that allow additional density by special permit or other means will require that developers include usable open space in their plans where feasible. In cases where a lot is too small to accommodate functional open space on site, developers will be allowed to contribute to build a larger, publicly accessible and usable recreational space or park rather than having each parcel developed with its own open space. These pocket parks are most appropriate in moderate-density, mixed-use areas, but can also be viable in residential neighborhoods and even in commercial areas, if properly planned to integrate with the needs of the surrounding businesses.
In addition to allocating a specific portion of their site to open space, developers of larger parcels seeking special permits or other zoning relief should work with adjacent property owners and the neighborhood to insure that the open space created is usable and accessible.
In all cases, open space zoning requirements will balance the needs of the community with the rights of property owners. Increased open space requirements are appropriate when something is being offered to the property owner in exchange, such as increased density allowances than would otherwise be permitted.
Existing passive recreation areas (parks, playgrounds, woods, etc.) will be expanded when opportunities arise, consistent with the priorities of Newton’s open space plan. Active recreation uses like sports fields, basketball courts and tennis courts will be upgraded, expanded and otherwise adapted to meet changing community needs. The City will work closely with schools, youth sports leagues, and community groups to determine utilization patterns and needs.
Shared usage parks that integrate active and passive uses will be encouraged and supported where possible.
An updated Open Space and Recreation Plan will be developed by June 30, 2010, to meet state requirements. Open space requirements will be included in the mixed-use plan to be submitted by the Mayor to the Board of Aldermen by January 1, 2010. In addition, the Planning Department should consider the functionality and accessibility of proposed open space, not just its square footage, when considering development proposals.