Reforming Management Practices
As documented by the Blue Ribbon Commission in their January, 2006 report on Newton’s finances, our city is suffering from a structural deficit that, if not addressed, will result in dramatic reductions in services over the next decade. Short- and medium-term initiatives to control costs and to generate new revenue will help us get through the next few years, but long-term fiscal stability requires more fundamental reform.
Reforming Newton’s management practices will not only result in ongoing cost savings and additional revenue, it will improve responsiveness and the quality of services now and for future generations of Newton residents.
We recommend that Newton adopt the following management practices:
1) Reorganize Newton government along functional lines with a focus on getting results for Newton residents;
2) Increase productivity and accountability by setting goals and helping our employees to achieve them;
3) Improve customer service and transparency, integrating public input into decision-making processes; and
4) Reform the city’s budget process to focus it on the programs and services valued by Newton residents.