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Preventative Maintenance

Ken's strong advocacy for preventative maintenance have helped to restore some of the cuts in this area made by the Cohen Administration in recent years. For example, when the Mayor proposed a 37.7% cut in preventative maintenance in his Fiscal Year 2007 operating budget, Ken worked with Alderman George Mansfield and other colleagues to get the cut restored. With Alderman Mansfield's leadership, a resolution requesting the restoration of the cut passed the Board of Aldermen unanimously.

Although the Mayor initially refused to restore the cut, continued advocacy from Ken and others was effective at getting the cut restored a few months later.

Ken has developed a capital investment plan for the City that would not only increase preventative maintenance, but would also make use of existing free cash to get started on the repair and renovation of our aging schools, fire stations, and other public buildings and would measure return on investment associated with increased investment in ongoing maintenance.

Ken described this plan in a Newton TAB opinion column, which you can read here.