Newton Needs You - Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m.

Please join us this Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. for an important hearing.
During the past year members of the over one hundred-person-strong Ken Parker for Newton Mayor 2009 Exploratory Committee have been hard at work outlining a plan for our City called the Blueprint for Newton's Future. During meetings in homes, offices and community organizations City-wide, and thanks to the many hours of individual research and writing efforts of concerned citizens, we have sought to tap into Newton residents' wealth of knowledge and experience and create a plan which will restore excellence to our City.
Now we need your input on the draft Blueprint. This coming Tuesday Alderman Parker, the chairs of our Finance and Management, Environment and Sustainable Growth and Education Subcommittees
will open their ideas for citizen input at a special public hearing.
Please join us at this important event to contribute your thoughts and
feedback on our work thus far.
Public Hearing on the draft Blueprint for Newton's Future
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 7:30 p.m.
72 Columbus Street, Newton Highlands (Women's Workshop - map)
together, we have an exciting opportunity to bring change to City Hall
and restore a commitment to excellence in Newton.
In short, we can bring Newton back!