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Reflecting on 2008, and Looking Ahead

The year 2008 was an important one for our country and locally here in Newton. Nationally, we were witness to momentous events, with a captivating race for the Presidency amidst striking economic turbulence. Not in generations have hard working people around the country experienced such remarkable and difficult times.

This was also a noteworthy year locally. With the defeat of the override, substantial construction work completed on our controversial new Newton North High School and the announcement by Mayor Cohen that he will not seek reelection, we had our share of drama here in Newton.

For my part, I was both inspired and humbled by the participation of hundreds of Newton residents in the planning and launch of my campaign for Mayor of Newton. Throughout our community, supporters opened up their homes, researched position papers, engaged friends and neighbors, and otherwise went to great lengths to make a difference. As a result of their hard work, we were able to prepare a draft plan for the future of our city. This innovative vision for better, more responsive government, which we are calling “A Blueprint for Newton’s Future,” is a living document that we are constantly updating as we hear back from more and more Newton residents with their thoughts and ideas.

In addition, while our focus was and continues to be on quality ideas, we were fortunate to have the financial support of people from all walks of life. Our fund-raising numbers predict the philosophy, style and tone of a Parker Administration—we will be frugal, powered by Newton’s greatest natural resource, its people, and focused on high-quality, innovative ideas. In 2008 our campaign raised $22,000, more than double our 2007 results. In these tough economic times, I am so grateful for the generosity of so many in our community. Over 40 percent of our financial support came in shortly after I announced my candidacy in mid-November. Most importantly, of our nearly 200 individual donors, the vast majority (nearly 90 percent) live here in the City of Newton. Many more Newton residents chose to donate their time and effort helping to build a citywide grassroots organization, which will help us to communicate with people from every village of Newton.

2009 will no doubt be an exciting year nationally, as well as here in Newton. I am proud to be part of a strong field of candidates for Mayor and look forward to engaging in a substantive, issue-focused discussion about our city’s future. We have a real opportunity to reinvent local government here in Newton, and I need your help to make our vision a reality. Please join us as we work to improve services and control costs for the long-term health of our wonderful community.

- Ken Parker