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Turning Water Into ....Money?

While no study of the amount of water wasted by the City of Newton has been conducted, there is strong anecdotal evidence that thousands of gallons are wasted every month. A faucet at Horace Mann Elementary School leaked for 76 days before being repaired...while others have yet to be fixed. A leaking (and overflowing) urinal in one of the fire stations was not fixed for months, and urinals in the basement of Newton City Hall that have been running continuously for several years.

The City pays for all of this wasted water. Each leaky faucet costs the City approximately $300 per year in MWRA charges, which does not include the energy costs involved when hot water is wasted. With a little focus Newton could save money and improve the environment through good maintenance, use of grey water and expanded use of well water.

How? Read more here.


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    Response: useful reference
    Awesome Website, Stick to the great work. Thanks a lot!
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    Response: http://Bit.ly
    Ken Parker's Community Blog - IdeaBlog - Creative Brainstorming for Newton - Turning Water Into ....Money?

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