Now That School's Out, Let's Think About The School Day

Centuries ago, agrarian work shaped life for families throughout the United States. The Newton Public Schools operate on a schedule that evolved based on the needs of an agrarian society and that has not been significantly updated in centuries, let alone to accommodate recent changes in work patterns and to take advantage of modern technology.
By re-examining our assumptions about when school should be in session and what educational activities can take place outside of the formal school day, we can make better use of education resources and help all of our students to succeed. Newton has the opportunity to work with other interested Massachusetts communities to study the school day and to research best practices in ELT. There is a great deal going on in this area, and Newton should help lead the way. To learn more, please click here.
Reader Comments (2)
Yes, absolutely!
Let's make the schedule more student-friendly...high school should start latest in the day, not earliest!!!!!!!
How about 2 p.m. to midnight?