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Angino Farm

When advocates proposed spending Community Preservation Act funds to acquire Newton's last working farm, Ken took the lead in making sure that this multimillion dollar expenditure would bear fruit. When the Board of Aldermen was on the verge of passing the original appropriation request, Ken delayed the vote to provide time to negotiate a lower price, provide guarantees of public access, and make sure that there would be adequate management and financial controls to ensure that the operation of the farm would be self-sufficient.

Ken negotiated a $175 thousand reduction in the purchase price, then led the subcommittee, which developed an ordinance that established financial controls, procedures, and reporting requirements designed to ensure that the operation of the farm would not divert resources from other City services. Ken also worked to make sure the ordinance allowed for a farm stand to generate revenue by sale of produce on the site and worked with the Farm Commission established by the ordinance to develop other fundraising ideas, including Ken's suggestion of an annual harvest dinner.

With an established system of financial controls and sound management practices in place, Angino Farm is in a strong position to serve Newton residents at no cost to the City's operating budget for many years to come.